Please prepare to answer either of these questions in your first Stringing the Beads. You will be in a breakout pair with 3 minutes each to answer.
- What areas of convening are challenging for you in bringing your full and whole self as a Convener?
- Is there an aspect of the Convening Wheel where you find yourself being shy or self-conscious?
You've been asked to finish reading The Art of Convening book. "Commitment to Action" is the final chapter in the exploration of the Convening Wheel.
[p. 143] Commitment to Action
An individual/collective agreement to be responsible & accountable for the way forward
There are many elemental steps between "At the Heart of the Matter" and "Commitment to Action". What is the importance of a Commitment to Action? As we near the end of the Convening Wheel process, this chapter brings a potent conversation.
Shared actions and behaviors create movement toward a common future of consequence and accountability.
Essential Questions
-What is needed to allow for the highest level of commitment, responsibility, and accountability?
-What is already occurring or has been put into action?
-What actions will I take that will make it more likely that people will act?
Absence of Alignment
"Absence of Alignment" could be a lack of internal alignment or may manifest externally within the group.
[p. 154] Checklist for the Gathering at Hand
- Do I know what commitment means to me? (What does commitment mean to me?)
- Do I know what methods or processes I will draw upon to enable the group to take collective or individual action? (Have I identified for myself/made explicit to the group?)
Resource: The Convening Wheel Summary