Heartland: A Global Resource for Evolutionary Leaders
Heartland delivers the future through conversations of thought leadership and transformation in intimate ways and settings. We
connect, convene and support evolutionary leaders engaged in creating
well-being for all in our communities, organizations and the world. Join
our vibrant community with others looking to step forward in new ways.
-Join the Heartland Network (free): Heartland Network
-Become a Convener or hone your Art: The Art of Convening TeleTrainings
-Be Inspired: by our unique VisionHolder Calls
-Attend & Engage: The Thought Leader Gatherings (MN, CA)
Martin Luther King, Jr., 1957: I am convinced that love is the most durable power in the world. It is
not an expression of impractical idealism, but of practical realism. ...(read more)