while we wait
for the days of revelation
and restitution to begin...
while we wait
to ignite our folded up dreams
and fire up our old hopes
perhaps there is time
to engage in the ancient practice
of simply sitting around the fire
and listening ourselves and one another
into wholeness
while we wait
for the glory days
and paybacks long overdue...
while we wait
in the shadow of a new day dawning...
while we wait for the celebration
that will burst forth when
the world is set aright
perhaps it would be good and wise
to set a place at today’s table
where those who will do the work
can be fed
since we are those people
perhaps right here
around these sturdy tables
and glowing campfires
and sacred spaces
and living rooms everywhere
right now is a good time
to engage in conversations that matter
to speak of possibilities
to give language to our hopes
and with our words
to begin to BE THE CHANGE
we wish to see
≈ from the heart, mind, and pen of Minx
© 2009 Minx Boren. All rights reserved.
Thanks for both beautiful poems. Resting in grace and "doing" that flows directly out of the essence of one's "being" pretty much sums it up for me.
Posted by: Sharon Heller | March 18, 2010 at 10:31 AM
Minx...I loved your poem! and reading it inspired me to add one of my own:
May I be content to rest fully in the present moment
Having set aside all preferences, all judgments of "good" and "bad"
Just loving and accepting whatever shows up next
Knowing that everything is being revealed in perfect timing.
I embrace the NOW of my life in each moment
Giving thanks for all things
Playing my part in the grand cosmic design.
May I stay true to the truth of LOVE
Seeing reality in all its magnificence
And resting in its grace.
David K. Banner
Posted by: David Banner | March 18, 2010 at 09:39 AM