by Patricia Neal
Two Mandela Speeches That Made History
Today is my birthday! I am honored to share it with many amazing people, not the least of whom is Nelson Mandela. I speak in the present tense because, today, almost 3 years after his passing, his spirit is alive and strong. His purpose was so clear—to create a free society in which all are valued for their humanity—that it lives strong in the hearts of many, fueling vision and right action on behalf of others. As Richard Leider notes, purpose is about serving something larger than yourself. Purpose-shared is always the goal.
Join me in being inspired to live larger than our selves, with right action, on behalf of a freedom that values each human for their gifts and presence.
LISTEN: Two Mandela Speeches That Made History
The first happened in 1964, when Mandela was put on trial for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the state. The second is the speech Mandela gave in 1994 when he was inaugurated as president.
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2018 Center for Purposeful Leadership The Art of Convening